Frequently Asked Questions

About Working with Motivizion

The question: How to motivate employees as a manager? Knowledge is the answer.

You need to know what energizes each person. And how your employees and your organization can benefit.

Here’s how to gather and use this knowledge quickly and easily with Motivizion. 

how to motivate employees as a manager

“What’s my investment to do this – isn’t it very expensive?”

You want to know how to motivate employees as a manager. But you know most engagement and motivation surveys are complicated and expensive. 

We’re different.

Here’s how we make it affordable.

Because the survey, analysis and Motivizion Result Package is automated generated and digitally provided, we are able to offer the full package for a very competitive price.

Example: A team, department or organization with 100 employees – the total investment is $4,500 USD. The investment includes:

Motivizion – Full Package Solution
  • Motivizion assessment invitations of up to 100 employees
  • Invitation reminder follow up
  • Data processing and result report – full organization
  • Data processing result report – teams and departments
  • 6-page Quick Manual, explaining how to read results and how to proceed in developing motivation
  • Ready-to-present PPTX slide-deck defining the key learnings from the result reports
  • 2-hour video conference debrief
  • Two 1-hour follow-up online coaching related to the result reports and implementation

“What the smallest – and the largest – team, department or organization that you can measure?”

We can easily measure the level of motivation and engagement in small teams. Due to anonymity the smallest team is four persons. Contact us for more information, pricing etc..

Motivizion is created to capture data and calculate results in organizations with thousands of employees. No organization is to big. Contact us for more information, pricing, etc.

“Can you offer me a better price if I don’t need the debriefing and coaching part?”

No result reports are self-explanatory – neither are Motivizion’s.

Having an experienced Motivizion Facilitator walking you through the results and high-lighting the details enables you to conduct the exercises – and helps you decide how to proceed.

After your internal presentations you’ll have numerous questions that can be answered in a quick call with your Motivizion Facilitator.

“How can I be sure that my employee personal referable data are not shared with third party?”

Motivizion respects your privacy. All personal referable data are deleted no later than 12 months after the survey – or before that if you wish. Read more about Motivizion’s Privacy Policy here.

“What is the big difference between Motivizion and the competitors?”

First, it’s difficult to find direct competitors to Motivizion. Most engagement and motivation surveys lead to comprehensive, complicated, expensive and time-consuming projects. Motivizion is much more accessible. 

Our approach is designed for quick feedback. You get key measures of engagement and motivation in a snapshot. We’ll measure how your motivation levels look – right here, right now.

Other approaches very often have long timetables — such as several months — to interview employees, customizing questionnaires and reports to debriefing managers and initiators. At the end, you will end up making a large investment of money and time – and working with old data. 

Motivizion is designed to be a faster easier way to know exactly how to motivate employees as a manager.

How Motivizion is Different:

  • We’re ready to take action! We do not need to interview managers and employees, review organizational structure or customize questionnaires and reports – we are ready to take action and send out assessment invitations today.
  • We keep it simple! We offer a low-key, hands-on, practical solution – free of complicated theories and typologies. Your colleagues do not need to “learn a new language”.
  • It takes a small investment! Because the survey, analysis and Motivizion Result Package is automated generated and digitally provided, we are able to offer the full package for a very competitive price. It’s everything you need to transform how to motivate employees as a manager.

“Can I get breakout reports on each team and department as well?

Yes, of course! You can see results grouped by departments and teams, as well as the whole organization.

Included in the Motivizion Result Package is:

  • Data processing and result report – full organization
  • Data processing result report – teams and departments

We will provide any combination of result reports as you wish. If you for example have several teams reporting to the same manager, you can ask for a report breakdown showing the consolidated result as well.

“Can I monitor the development in motivation and engagement year by year?”

We recommend you to re-measure the motivation and engagement level every 6 or 12 months. If you don’t save your result reports, we’ll do it for you. We’ll make them available on Dropbox – enabling you to compare and benchmark your results year by year.

“Will the individual employee’s results be available for me as their manager?”

Individual results will never be available to the facilitator, the manager (you) or others.

“How can I benchmark my organization’s result with others?”

You can use Motivizion’s International Motivation Index to see how your organization’s results compare with organizations in your region. You have access to our International Motivation Index™ to make comparisons.

Motivizion’s 2-dimensional, International Motivation Index™ is dynamically updated and available for no additional fee, 24-7-365. Here you can explore the motivation level in various regions and categories to compare and benchmark your own results.

“Isn’t it very time consuming having the employees filling in all these questions?”

The Motivizion Survey is an online assessment of 45 questions. It only takes a few minutes to complete the questionnaire.

“What should I do to get this started?”

Contact Motivizion for a complete timeline and a fixed price today.

“All we need is innovative employees who can come up with great ideas.”

Not all motivated employees are innovative – but all innovative employees are motivated, right?